

Clark County School District families pushing for district to allow spectators to attend sports games

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — After more than a year without a Clark County School District sports game, the district is bringing back many sports in some capacity. CCSD families are pushing the district to allow spectators to safely attend games.

"We're their fans. We're their biggest fans. We're they're biggest supporters. We want to see them have this moment," said Kimberley Brock, a CCSD parent whose daughter plays high school and club soccer. "It just doesn't make sense that as adults we can't responsibly sit, spaced apart on sidelines, wearing masks."

While CCSD has said no spectators will be allowed at games this spring, club and recreational teams are allowing a limited number of spectators. Brock said her daughter's league is approved for 100 people on the field for games and 80 for upcoming tournaments.

"So if you're taking 80 people max per soccer field and half of that is two teams and staff, that's only leaving 40 parents so one per player," she explained.

Desert Oasis senior Alex Houston said that's forcing her most reliable fan into a less than ideal viewing spot.

"Now they have to sit behind the gates just to watch us play. My grandma is in her chair where cars are buzzing by and my Mom went to one of those and said she had a headache from looking through the gate."

As CCSD sports pick back up, grandma and many others may be stuck behind a gate or in the parking lot. We reached out to the district for an interview about their no spectator policy. They say they will share more information once available and that a media event is planned for later this week. For now, many students and their families are hoping for a change of heart as this may be the last chance for many to see their loved one play.

"My best friend, she knows these are her last few games," said Houston. "Her parents are like, 'I want to watch every game.' We didn't even have games for a while and they can't even watch it, they have to go behind. It's crazy."

Springs sports will be able to compete for the first time next Friday. That will be the first time CCSD athletics will see competition in more than a year. Fall sports will begin in early May.

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