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Firefighters discuss response to Strip crash

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The first rescue crews to arrive at the scene of Sunday’s crash on the Las Vegas Strip that killed one woman and injured dozens more say they arrived within seconds.
"We get to the call in less than a minute," Clark County Fire Captain Joe Geeb said.
Firefighters say they realized quickly that the call was more than a small accident.
"This call came in as an auto-ped and it completely escalated before we could even think about it," Clark County firefighter Samantha Chamberlain said.
Crews immediately called into dispatch that they had a mass casualty situation, asking for extra crews.
As they went to work and waited for help, firefighters knew the driver hadn't been caught.
"There is always my head on a swivel," Geeb said.
In total Clark County fire sent 70 crew members.
That does not include the police, security and private ambulance companies that responded to the chaotic situation.
First responders say they tried to stay as calm as possible to treat patients quickly.
"You just kind of fall back on your training," Chamberlain said.
At the end of the day the fire captain says all the first responders did their jobs.
"I think all agencies did an amazing job," Geeb said.
Geeb said even though the crews did their jobs well, they will review the incident to see where improvements can be made in the future.