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4 Reasons Blackout Wednesday Is A New Un-Holiday

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While turkey, pumpkin pie, togetherness and family are celebrated on the fourth Thursday of every November -- relatives, friends and college students are celebrating a different kind of holiday cheer the night before.

The Wednesday night before Thanksgiving has become one of the busiest bar nights of the year! You may have heard it referred to as Drinksgiving, Thanksgiving Eve or Blackout Wednesday.

We reached out to bar and restaurant consultant and founder of Liquid Architecture and Arizona Cocktail Week Kim Hassarud to get the  Lowdown on why this new almost-holiday is causing a stir.

"There's lots of warm emotions, family.. so people want to get out and celebrate...it's the beginning of a holiday season," explains Hassarud.

There's No Work Or School The Next Day

College kids are home from school and most of Americans have Thanksgiving off from work. Also, with no religious affiliation surrounding the holiday, it's a party for everyone!

It's A Relief From The Prepping And Planning  

"It's finally a time to take a break, I don't have to entertain. Let's go out and have a good time," says Hassarud.

The Throwbacks Make You Throw Them Back

The List's Holly Morgan's memories of pushing her sister into a Christmas tree are probably similar to your sibling holiday memories. Sometimes family is just a little more fun when cocktails are involved.

"It's almost become a tradition in a lot of families. Like OK, Wednesday night, that's when our friends are coming back into town, that's when my family is coming to town, we're going to go out to dinner," expresses Hassarud.

Thanksgiving Is A Hung Over Person's Dream

Wake-up hung over to a feast of your favorite foods? Perfection!