

Storm drain improvements to affect traffic on Eastern Avenue and Stewart Avenue

Road Closure

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Improvements are on the way for Eastern Avenue and Stewart Avenue.

That could cause frustration for drivers.

Clark County said there will be lane closures and delays as crews work to reconstruct the storm drain system.

Starting Monday, this will take place at the southeast corner of that intersection.

Crews will be on site from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and traffic will be restricted to one travel lane in the eastbound direction.

Starting April 10, storm drain repairs will be on Eastern.

Crews will be on site from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., Monday through Friday.

Traffic will generally be restricted to one travel lane in the eastbound, northbound, and southbound directions during work hours.

County officials said Bonanza Road is the recommended alternate route for eastbound traffic while Maryland Parkway and Pecos Road are recommended as alternate routes for northbound and southbound traffic.

Work and lane restrictions are set to be in place through April 28.

This in addition to road closures on Eastern Avenue that start on Sunday.

That's to repave the road and that project is expected to last through June.