LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta said they gave over a hundred toys Christmas Eve morning in Las Vegas.
The toy giveaway started at 10 a.m. in downtown at 1000 Martin Luther King Boulevard. About 30 volunteers helped give away the toys.
It is F.A.S.T.T.'s 4th annual toy drive. According to event organizers, the drive is in loving memory of Dr. Dillard Allen Scott. They say Scott started the toy drive and is a member of the fraternity.
LAST YEAR: Nonprofit organization, FASTT, has their 3rd annual toy giveaway in Las Vegas
Organizers say this year's event is their way of carrying on the toy drive he helped start.
F.A.S.T.T. is a nonprofit organization that means "Families Achieving Success Through Teamwork."
Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta are an international fraternity and sorority, respectively. Epsilon Psi Sigma is the local chapter of the international fraternity.