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When do you think Mojave Max will emerge?

The countdown is on as the valley's favorite desert tortoise has not emerged from brumation.
Mojave Max

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — While most of the country has world-famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil to predict the changing of the seasons, the Las Vegas valley has Mojave Max.

As of Thursday morning, the valley's favorite desert tortoise has not emerged from his burrow as he continues his brumation. That is how he hibernates during the winter.

With Max still sleeping his days away, elementary school students can still enter the Mojave Max Emergency Contest. Every year, Springs Preserve hosts the contests where students can guess when he will leave his burrow.

The student who guesses the closes without going over will win a new laptop computer, an annual pass to Springs Preserve, an annual America The Beautiful pass, and a backpack full of supplies for exploring the desert.

The winning student's class will also win a field trip to Springs Preserve, a pizza party, t-shirts, medals and a trophy for the school. The winning student's teacher will also win a new laptop computer.

Students from kindergarten through the fifth grade who are enrolled in public, private, and registered home schools are eligible to win. You can learn more about the contest here.

Springs Preserve officials said factors that impact when Max emerges includes warmer temperatures, longer days, and his own internal clock.

Last year, Mojave Max came out of his burrow on April 24 at 3:40 p.m., which was the latest he has ever emerged.