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Summer season watering restrictions go into effect Wednesday, May 1

Watering grass
and last updated

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Starting Wednesday, May 1, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) is switching to the Summer Seasonal Water Schedule and the following is mandatory:

  • Spray irrigation is prohibited between 11 AM and 7 PM
  • Watering is prohibited on Sundays

The restriction is due to high rates of evaporation during hot summer days, and watering during prohibited hours or allowing water to spray or flow off your property is considered water waste and may result in a costly fine.

Single-family residential customers in the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) service area could face an excessive use charge of $9 for every 1,000 gallons of water they consume over the monthly 28,000-gallon threshold for the summer season (about 930 gallons per day for the average household).

According to spokesperson Corey Enus, the compliance rate for restrictions is currently high - above 75% - while the awareness of restrictions is above 95%. Both statistics are the highest the water district has seen in the community.

"Saving water is very important to our community, but for the vast majority of us saving money is important too," Enus said.

One way Southern Nevada residents save money is by removing their property's grass for a cash-back program, which we reported an increase on earlier this year. Watch below:

Grass removal cash-back program increases for limited time

"As it gets hotter, those trees, shrubs and grass will need more water but you need to pay attention to your landscaping because trees and shrubs and plants don't need as much water as grass. And over-watering can sometimes be as detrimental as under-watering," he explained, "Your landscaping will let you know when it needs some more water and if you need to add a day you can go ahead and add that. You have the room to be able to do that during the summer."

Tips for Summer landscaping:

  • Plants and trees need less water than grass
  • Use sprinklers in the early morning or late evening, ramp up from 3 to 4 days a week as weather conditions dictate
  • Irrigate grass with pop-up sprinklers for a maximum of 12 minutes per watering day, set in three four-minute cycles, spaced one hour apart
  • Run your drip system from 2 to 3 days a week - drip duration depends on the flow of your emitters

Temporary rebates:

SNWA is currently offering homeowners rebates of $5 per square foot of grass that is removed and replaced with water-efficient, drip irrigated landscaping. Projects must be completed by the end of 2024 to be eligible, rebate rates will return $3 per square foot in 2025.

For more information on the Water Smart Landscapes rebate program click here.