13 InvestigatesScam Alert


Runners say fake 5K run scammed them out of entry fees

and last updated
Dozens of people fear they were scammed out of money on Saturday by a fake 5K run.
The Mad Margarita Run was supposed to be at Sam Boyd Stadium. But runners found closed gates when they showed up.
It came as a shock after some of them had shelled out up to $60 to participate.
Some runners say the first sign the event wasn't legitimate might have been the fact that drinking alcohol was scheduled for before and after the run.
"That would be questionable," Bob Shearing said. "Probably more than I could've handled anyway."
People registered for the run on a site called Active.com. 
13 Action News couldn't get in touch with them or the event's organizers at Madmargaritarun.com. 
"I'm very surprised," Fredrick Johnson said. "Active.com is usually very on the money. I'm just disappointed and I really want my money back."
Many of the runners plan on contesting the credit card charges and emailing Active.com.
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