LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) listed the job search requirement earlier this month for those seeking unemployment benefits.
However, many self-employed Nevadans are confused about what exactly DETR is looking for when it says you need to be looking for a job in order to continue receiving benefits.

Janell Clark, a self-employed internationally certified e-discovery specialist says, "Yes you have to search. Then it’s no you don’t have to. Now you have to again. We have no clear directive or guidance on what that looks like."
PREVIOUS STORY: Nevada unemployment office reinstating work search requirements
You have to submit your job search this Sunday. We talked with Elisa Cafferata, DETR director, to try and clear things up.
"We haven’t seen guidance from the Department of Labor on what the work search requirement looks like for PUA [Pandemic Unemployment Assistance] because those folks were traditionally never qualified for unemployment," said Cafferata.
DETR listed these options that people may be able to take:
- Using re-apply services
- Creating resume
- Registering with placement firms or temporary agencies
- Using online career tools - creating a professional work profile
- Participating in occupational networking events
"The ultimate goal is to get back to work and so whatever that looks like for you, those are some activities folk can undertake," said Cafferata.
Still, Clark says there are other factors that play into this job search.
RELATED: Nevada unemployment work search requirement worries some convention workers
"There is a cadence of phasing to reopening. Any business has to decide if they are going to stock up on inventory or hiring customers. When is it time to actually ramp that up? When does the money actually come through to cover all of those expenses? It’s a watch and see game. You don’t want to spend every last dime you have to reopen only to be shut down again. That’s happened several times," says Clark.
Today, DETR put out a notice that the DETR and JobConnect sites are temporarily down until tomorrow but will not affect the UI or PUA sites.

TIMELINE: Nevada Dept. of Employment and handling of pandemic unemployment claims