A skeleton of a new elementary school is rising from the dusty desert.
The construction crews are working day and night to complete what will become Shirley A. Barber elementary school on the corner of Pyle Avenue and Spencer Street.
From the looks of it, work is on the fast track to meet the opening of the August 2018 school year.
But the progress is coming at the cost of peace and quiet for some living near by.
"Three weeks ago, we woke up to a noise that sounded like someone was hammering on metal," said Jen Prough, who lives feet away from the construction site.
Prough said she looked out her bedroom window at construction in full swing around 2 a.m.
She provided Contact 13 photos of truck headlights beaming into her bedroom, and a concrete workers pouring a new foundation in the middle of the night.
"There were horns honking, there were guys yelling and whistling each other," said Prough.
"It started at 2 o'clock in the morning and they didn't stop until about 11 o'clock the next morning," added Prough.
Jen said filed complaints with Clark County, Clark County School District and the construction company running operations.
Prough learned, some of her neighbors received a notice which was posted on the community mailbox. She claims the mailbox on her street did not receive the required 72 hour notice of after-hour work.
"There were no notices to me or anybody else on our street. There was no notices on our mailbox," added Prough.
A Clark County School District spokesperson tells Contact 13 the workers did provide the necessary 72 hour notice to the homes immediately adjacent to the work site.
Even though Prough's home and bedroom has a direct line of sight to the construction zone, her street is not immediately adjacent to the site.
The CCSD spokesperson adds the work has been approved by Clark County and the construction contractor has all of the necessary permits for noise, lights and overnight work.
Contact 13 has requested to review the permits. As of Tuesday, the permits were not immediately available.
The construction company said the overnight hours offer the preferred temperature for pouring concrete.
Contact 13 can confirm, there are now multiple notices on area mailboxes, warning residents there is more work scheduled in the overnight hours of November 9.