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Watch the 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Parade in downtown Las Vegas

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The 43rd annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Parade brought energy and excitement to the streets of downtown Las Vegas on Monday.

The theme of this year's parade: "Living the Dream — Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future."

Live coverage of the parade aired from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Channel 13's sister station, Vegas 34. If you missed it, you can watch our complete coverage here:

FULL PARADE: 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. parade live from downtown Las Vegas

Joining the festivities this year were floats, motorcycles, performance groups, and local political figures, including the new Las Vegas mayor, Shelley Berkley.

Last week, Good Morning Las Vegas anchor Anjali Patel introduced us all to this year's junior grand marshals, Chordonn Allen and Kash Williams — two impressive and humble local students and emerging leaders.

Meet the 2025 Junior Grand Marshals for the Dr. MLK Jr. Birthday Parade in Las Vegas

Programming note: Our complete coverage of the parade was originally scheduled to re-air on Channel 13 at 2 p.m. Monday. This coverage has since been pre-empted by the ongoing inauguration of President Donald J. Trump.

Channel 13's Past Coverage

You can watch past broadcasts of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Parade here:

The parade is part of local King Week events in Las Vegas.