For several valley schools, Monday is the first day of school ever.
Crews have been working furiously to get everything ready. Parents and kids have been coming to register, while also getting a peek at their new school.
Billy and Rosemary Vassiliadis Elementary is one of the new schools. They started building it in June 2016. As many as 850 students can attend. There are more than 50 classrooms. Some of them are specialized, like for art and science.
Many have mixed feelings.
When asked what kinds of things she wasn't looking forward to this school year, incoming kindergartner Khloe Kim said, "Sleeping."
In total, there are six brand new elementary schools opening Monday. Four are in the southwest part of the valley.
VIDEO: Clark County School District opening six new schools Aug. 14
While many of these schools will share some features, there's a little bit of customiztion. Community members and principals gave input and helped influence the designs.
Some think it's a big deal to be in the first batch of students to attend these new schools.
"Lifetime memory, you know, we're going to always come back and tell her this was your first school," said Alicia Kim, the mother of an incoming kindergartner.
"There's a lot of new kids and yeah it's going to be weird," said Ian Toto, who's going into the third grade.
School leaders say there will be staff members out watching the flow of traffic at these new schools. They'll be looking for problem areas and possible solutions.