UPDATE July 1: The effort to recall Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman has been suspended.
Doug Polk the organizer of the recall effort tweeted out the following statement earlier today.
We have decided to suspend the campaign to recall Carolyn Goodman.
— Doug Polk (@DougPolkVids) July 1, 2020
Unfortunately given the laws of recall elections, and the risks posed by Coronavirus, moving forward is not a viable option.
Full statement: pic.twitter.com/EGkffzBtm7
ORIGINAL STORY: Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman has been very vocal about wanting to reopen the city, and after appearances on national TV, many in the city were asking for her to resign, while others cheered her on.
Doug Polk, a former professional poker player, has done more than simply post on his social media for the mayor to resign, he has filed a notice of intent with the Las Vegas city clerk to try and recall the mayor.
"We are recalling the mayor because over the last few weeks, she has failed to represent her constituency responsibly. Not only in her clear disregard for public health but also with her support for the casino owners over the people of Las Vegas," Polk told 13 Action News. "Additionally, she is barely able to speak coherent sentences while discussing the subject matter. She is unfit to serve as the mayor of Las Vegas.
The Committee to Recall Carolyn Goodman, formed by Polk, has been notified by the city clerk on the next steps it must take for a recall to be successful.
Those steps involve garnering 6,745 signatures representing 25 percent of the total who voted for Goodman in the 2019 election.
Every signature must be a current Las Vegas resident and registered voter who also voted in the 2019 Municipal Primary Election.
13 Action News obtained a copy of the letter from LuAnn D. Holmes, Las Vegas city clerk.

"I don't want to recall the mayor just because she wants to reopen Las Vegas. She also cares more about the "sensitive" casino owners' interests than the people of Las Vegas," Polk said, on his Twitter account.
Polk himself does not live in Las Vegas, however the person who circulates the petition for a recall does not have to be a resident. He resides in Henderson.
RELATED: Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman's interview with Anderson Cooper goes viral
I dont want to recall the mayor just because she wants to re-open Las Vegas.
She also cares more about the "sensitive" casino owners interests than the people of Las Vegas. Additionally, she was unable to maintain a conversation with functional sentences. https://t.co/6e6N39wyUg
— Doug Polk (@DougPolkVids) May 7, 2020