13 InvestigatesScam Alert


CONTACT 13: IRS phone scam with new twist

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The IRS will never call you asking for money. It's a warning we've told you about before. But the old IRS phone scam is heating up again, and this time with a new twist. We have a Contact 13 consumer alert, so you don't fall victim.
"You start to question yourself. Did someone do something wrong?" says Heather Combs.
She still can't believe it. It was last month when she got a disturbing call from the IRS.
"I have owned my own businesses in the past, I'm like, did something happen with my taxes that I didn't know about?" says Heather.
The IRS representative claimed Heather was facing several charges.
"Tax evasion, tax fraud. I mean it was that convincing, that this guy knew exactly what he was talking about," says Heather.
But he wasn't asking heather for any money.
"He asked for my social security number, and my address," says Heather.
Heather refused to provide any of her information. That's when she says his attitude changed.
"This guy started screaming at me like a crazy person," says Heather.
Heather was told a warrant was being issued for her arrest. That's when she started to panic, and made her big mistake.
"I disclosed my social security number," says Heather.
She also gave him her address. And once he had all the information he needed...
"The guy hung up on me," says Heather.
Heather called her attorney, and he explained the whole thing was a scam. And he's right. Nevada's Attorney General says IRS scams are intensifying in Nevada. And the IRS has issued multiple warnings. Now Heather is taking time to tell others if you get this call, do just one thing.
"Just hang up that telephone... These people are frightening," says Heather.
So here's the Contact 13 bottom line. If you've been the victim of this scam, place a freeze on your credit report right away just like Heather did. And remember the IRS will not call you. You will always get several official notices by US mail. In this case, Heather admits she never got anything in the mail. And if you're really facing tax evasion or fraud charges, you will always have the chance to appeal.
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