13 InvestigatesScam Alert


Beware of calls from your bank

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Imagine getting a phone call, that your credit or debit card is frozen.
Millions of Americans are getting that call, telling them to act quickly.
Tonight, 13 Action News Anchor Beth Fisher with what you need to know, so you Don't Waste Your Money.
Jim Downing is used to strange sales calls. But he was really rattled by a recent robocall from his bank.
"It came in from a female voice, and basically said my debit card wasn't activated, and I needed to activate my debit card, push this number, and something was going to happen," says Jim.
The recorded voice said if he didn't enter his debit card number and pin, it would no longer work. Confused, Jim hung up and decided to call his bank for himself.
"Everything was fine with the account. No big deal, no problems," says Jim.
It was a phishing scam. If he had fallen for it, Jim would have been putting his banking information right into the hands of thieves.
"It's frightening, to understand, and know what potentially could be going on," says Jim.
In the past, you could block unwanted calls with the do not call list. But scammers don't pay attention to the list. And they're using phony caller ID, so you never know where they're really calling from. 
if you get a similar call from your bank or credit card company, you should be very skeptical. Hang up and call your financial institution for yourself.
Never give out any personal information to any caller, so you Don't Waste Your Money. 
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