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Preppers stockpiling food in case of post-election emergency

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The 2016 presidential campaign was so ugly that some families are worried about what could happen in the coming weeks now that Donald Trump has won the presidency.

So they are taking no chances, and are stocking up on survival supplies.

Don't call him a survivalist

Dan O'Hara is filling his shelves with supplies in an underground storage room at an undisclosed home. He asked that we not identify the location.

Don't call him a survivalist. There's a new name now for people like him.

"I'm a prepper," O'Hara explained.

Preppers worry that the US could turn into a scene straight out of a "Mad Max" movie as a result of the 2016 election or an ISIS or Russian attack.

"So I have all kind of supplies in my home, where my family could be sustained for a very long period of time," O'Hara said.

Prepared for the long haul

He is prepared for almost anything, including water purifiers that can filter water out of a creek. He also has stacks of iodine tablets.

"Something you can use if we have a radiation attack," he said.

He has shelves filled with plenty of freeze dried food, that can last for years, along with "survival seeds" for a vegetable garden, and a food making freeze dryer machine.

"I can freeze dry my own food, fruits, vegetables, meats," O'Hara said.

He even has more than a dozen boxes of diapers, which he explains could be traded for food.

"They are good for barter," he said.

And he has solar powered flashlights and emergency radios, that don't require electric power or even batteries.

Not a crazy lunatic

O'Hara wanted to point out that he's not some survivalist living in a bunker far away in the woods.  Rather, he says he is just a hard-working suburban homeowner who doesn't want to be caught off-guard in time of emergency.

"Sometimes people think I am some crazy lunatic who thinks the world is going to end tomorrow," O'Hara said. "But  nothing can be further from the truth."

O'Hara now heads his local preparedness group, where members compare notes and purchase emergency kits sold by companies likeMyPatriotSupply, PrepareWise, evenAmazon, which now has pages and pages ofemergency food and supplies.

O'Hara says everyday people are preparing, just in case, so that "we won't have to rely on others to take care of us" in the event things get ugly. And business appears to be good.

Whatever you decide to do, don't waste your money.


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