

13 First Alert Weather Forecast | Wednesday morning, July 6, 2022

Another sunny, warm, breezy afternoon in Southern Nevada.
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LAS VEGAS — We're in the mid 90s at midday with afternoon highs back to 101° as south winds blow at 15-25 mph with sunshine. This evening will drop through the 90s with 80s by 11pm and lows near 80° overnight. Maximum winds are near 25 mph each afternoon this week, keeping dry air locked across our part of the Desert Southwest. Highs climb to 103° Thursday, 105° Friday, and 107° each weekend afternoon, so plan on plenty of heat. Nighttime lows will hover in the low 80s during this stretch. Highs will approach 110° next week! There are signs that monsoon humidity will approach Southern Nevada early next week, so small (10%-30%) afternoon storm chances are possible starting Tuesday. To beat the heat, it's important to shift outdoor activities to the early morning or wait until the sun is going down. When outside, remember to drink extra water, seek shade, and wear lightweight and light-colored clothing with a hat and sunscreen. Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol, keep a close eye on pets to make sure they are drinking plenty of water, and watch young kids, the elderly, and people with other health issues that make them prone to heat illness.