LAS VEGAS — Southwest gusts hit 35 mph this afternoon, 30 mph tonight, and come in from the north at 25 mph tomorrow. Highs today reach the upper 80s with lots of sunshine. Lows tonight drop to the mid 60s. We'll dip to the low 80s Tuesday with sunshine. Calmer weather (gusts under 20 mph) as we jump from 86° Wednesday to 96° Thursday, which will be the hottest weather we've seen this year. Another round of wind is expected Friday (25 mph) as highs hit 97°. Weekend wind could be substantial, with 40 mph southwest gusts Saturday (near 90°) and 35 mph northwest gusts Sunday (near 80°). Overnight lows will be in the 60s all week long. We don't see any triple digit heat threat during the first week of May, although Thursday and Friday may be close. Las Vegas typically sees its first 100° day of the year by the end of the month, but triple digits are possible at any point in the month if a warm pattern develops.
13 First Alert Weather Forecast | Monday morning, May 2, 2022
Wind picks up this afternoon

The May 2, 2022 morning weather forecast for Las Vegas.

and last updated
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