LAS VEGAS — Mostly cloudy conditions with scattered showers will linger into the afternoon (a 40% chance in any one spot) with slippery roads expected where it's raining. Winds will shift to the northwest and gust to 30-35 mph this afternoon, keeping highs in the upper 60s. Winds taper to 10-20 mph tonight as lows tumble to the upper 40s and low 50s. The weekend looks a bit breezy, but nice. Saturday sees north gusts to 25 mph and highs in the mid 70s with a mostly sunny sky. Highs reach the upper 70s Sunday with sunshine and northeast gusts to 25 mph. After mid 80s Monday (east gusts at 10-20 mph) we expect a stretch of warmer weather (upper 80s and low 90s) to return Tuesday through the following weekend. Nighttime lows will be in the 50s tonight through Sunday night, then the 60s next week as the weather pattern warms up. Southwest gusts of 25 mph on Tuesday and Wednesday are expected to strengthen to 35 mph on Thursday, which is when Round One of the NFL Draft kicks off in Las Vegas.
13 First Alert Weather Forecast | Friday morning, Apr. 22, 2022
Windy and cooler with daytime showers

The April 22, 2022 midday weather forecast for Las Vegas.

and last updated
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