
What recent college grads should expect while looking for work

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — School is over and college grads are now taking the necessary steps toward the next chapter in life. We're talking about finding a job! 13 Action News anchor Tricia Kean spoke with a local expert and the good news is: jobs are out there!


"I think there's definitely jobs out there," says Sonia Petkewich, CEO and founder of the job recruiting firm, Taurean Consulting.

She says now is a great time to be looking for a job. But it might be a little different than you expected.


"I think the challenge is you go into school 4 years ago and today the job market looks insanely different. So your expectations might have to be realigned to the opportunities that are in the market," says Sonia.

Daniel Hernandez says it's definitely changed.

"I feel like they want more access online. I think there's more steps to kind of get yourself into an interview room now," says Daniel.


The marketing student just graduated from UNLV and says he's been working to update his online information.

"A lot of jobs are looking for your LinkedIn pages... Now that I've graduated I was realizing how much I neglected that LinkedIn page. I had to clean that up," says Daniel.


Sonia can attest to that. While recently hiring for her own firm, she used the professional network to communicate with potential candidates.

"So people applied for a job and then I just shot them all a note back to the LinkedIn recruiter tool and said, hey I'm interested in talking to you. Do you mind answering a few questions," says Sonia.


But just like your resume, be sure your LinkedIn information is current. Update your skills, responsibilities at previous jobs, and your accomplishments. Sonia says it's also important to connect with potential employers and engage in conversation.

"It's great to walk into an interview and say oh my gosh, I read your last post about X, Y, Z and to be able to have a very intelligent conversation," says Sonia.


Bottom line, any edge you can gain over other job candidates is key. Sonia says that's because many hiring managers and recruiters scan over most resumes in less than 10 seconds.

"A lot of times we are really screening initially for where they are in the country, what kind of jobs they've had. Their longevity and if there's some excitement there, we'll engage in a conversation," says Sonia.


When you do get a chance to speak with an employer, Sonia says it's important to articulate your value. Use the acronym S.A.M. or Sam: what can you Save, Achieve or Make for the company?

As for Daniel, he's eager to show what he can do. His words of advice for other job hunters, don't be afraid to put yourself out there.


"Even if there's something you feel you're not qualified for. Try to go for it anyway because even you get an interview and you don't land a job, you still learn stuff. You still build your confidence up," says Daniel.