
Free therapy for Las Vegas moms

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Moms are the modern-day superheroes. They can hold down the fort while holding down a full-time job. They might not ask for it, but even moms need a break. 13 Action News Anchor Tricia Kean tells us about an awesome resource available for Las Vegas area mothers.


"Having a new baby is difficult. Adding COVID is difficult, and then adding work," said Vanessa, a young mother with an infant daughter and preschool-age son.

"You're being pulled in all these different directions and isolated."

She's working from home because of the pandemic and admits every day comes with a new challenge.

"She needs a bottle, but I'm in a meeting," said Vanessa. "Or she's screaming when it's my turn to be talking or answering a question. So it's very very stressful."


But there's another issue a lot of moms are afraid to talk about.

"Since my last pregnancy, I've dealt with depression and anxiety and I was linked to a psychiatrist and a therapist," Vanessa said.

"I think that a lot of women are hesitant to really share feelings and the challenges they're experiencing," said Dr. David Gennis with Southern Hills Hospital Medical Center.

He says some estimates show up to 80% of women experience some form of prenatal or postpartum depression.

Add to that the pressures of the pandemic and many moms are feeling alone.


To help, Southern Hills Hospital is offering free therapy. A Mental Wellness Hour hosted online every Thursday.

"They're able to share what their experiences are like and really bond with each other as their own support community and really understanding that, okay there are other women out there going through the same thing," said Dr. Gennis.


Dr. Gennis says negative reactions from friends or family can leave a lot of moms feeling afraid to share their feelings.

"They're not being empowered to really express how they're feeling. I think that there is a lot of hesitancy for these women to want to access support because they don't want to be shut down again," said Dr. Gennis.


Dr. Gennis says moms experiencing some sort of depression can show signs of increased irritability, worry or hopelessness, feelings of fatigue and even crying spells.

"I just want to encourage individuals, encourage family members who are watching this to be mindful," says Dr. Gennis.


Vanessa agrees that not everyone will understand, but she says it's important to get the help you need.

"It's hard but it's necessary to really help your kids because if you're not good they're not going to be good," said Vanessa.

If you're a mom or expecting or experienced the loss of a pregnancy and you're struggling with depression or anxiety, call Southern Hills Hospital at 702-916-5023 and they'll get you the instructions you need to access the free virtual meeting.