
Expert: Why your child is thriving or failing at remote learning

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Remote learning was an eye-opening experience for many parents. Some kids thrived while others suffered outside the classroom. But one local expert says, it may not be your child's fault. 13 Action News anchor Tricia Kean looks at the science behind how your child learns.


"The online learning thing was new... and it was just weird," says 10-year-old Range.

Like so many other Las Vegas kids, Range couldn't wait to go back to school.

"It wasn't as hard for me. I actually got it like that," says 13-year-old brother, Connor.


Connor didn't mind the virtual learning. Their mom admits they have a different approach. But she had help in setting them up for success.

"What the Kolbe offers, is that you get to know who your kid is and then choose the right learning environments and pathways for them. Not just what the script has written for how education is supposed to be," says mom, Lisa Chastain.


The Kolbe Index measures a person's instincts and how they act on those instincts, explains Gail Swift, a Kolbe Certified Consultant.

"Instincts on their own are a subconscious force. They're just sitting there. However when you ignite them or when you test to figure out how someone strives and takes action, it puts you into a state of having to decide what to do," says Swift.


Swift says that's where she comes in. By testing a child and learning how their subconscious works, she's able to help them understand their personal process for learning.

"I help kids solve problems. Their own problems. They're capable of learning. They're born to learn. Sometimes in school environments kids are told how to learn," says Swift.

That's the problem according to Swift. Many students don't naturally learn the way their teachers teach.


"Most teachers, generally speaking, about 70, 75% of teachers work a certain way. If you have a student that doesn't work that way, there could be a lot of tension," says Swift.

Swift says your instincts don't change. So the earlier a child is tested, the sooner they set themselves on a path to success.

"They start making decisions for themselves. They start dealing with their own consequences. They start taking responsibility," says Swift.


Swift will test kids as young as 3-years-old. But she has a warning. Allowing your child to make responsible decisions, means allowing them to also fail.

"That's what the parent isn't used to, is allowing that to happen in some capacity. You can imagine that's the hard part for parents," says Swift.


But Lisa says it works. Range and Connor are making big improvements at school. Best of all, they have real ideas about their future.

"The Kolbe connects what your strengths are to career paths. It's like a magical thing to say, this is the kind of career you'd be good at," says Lisa.

But Swift points out test results will help right away.

"So if you are fighting with reading time or picking up everything in the room and everything have a place. If you have a last-minute child or one that constantly needs to be outside and you think doesn't focus, those are the people I like to work with. Bring'em on," says Swift.