Positively Las Vegas


Low-income students in Las Vegas receive shoes

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The holidays came early for hundreds of low-income kids in Las Vegas.

At Gibson Leadership Academy, on Washington Avenue near Valley View Boulevard, teachers and staff worked with families to identify kids who need new shoes.

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The shoes were donated as part of America First Credit Union's Warm the Soles program.

"It's something our kids, they just love so much. They get a kick out of it every year," said Gibson Leadership Academy Principal Jennifer Jaeger.

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"Some of the same students from year to year get to benefit from this, and they talk about it and they can't wait to come back the following year," she said.

Jaeger says the new shoes make kids feel proud about what they're wearing.

To make a donation or to learn more visit AmericaFirst.com.