Ahead of the Consumer Electronics Show's opening day Wednesday, companies showed off some of their hot new items at CES Unveiled Monday at Mandalay Bay Convention center.
Some included wearable technology, drones and medical devices.
One innovation was a translating device set to launch this summer that can translate during casual conversations. Each device will cost between $100 to $200 when released. It currently supports English, Chinese and Japanese but work is underway to expand the offerings.
On drones, one company is working on a portable one that will fit in your backpack. Drones can be controversial with privacy issues but companies are hoping to change that perception this year.
"We're teaching people how to fly responsibly," said Joseph Haagensen, of Prodrone Technology. "We know it's a problem with some people and we want to take that out of there. We want everyone that buys a Prodrone product to take it out of the box and have the necessary materials in order to use it safely and responsibly."
Another of the big trends is technology that could help parents.
"There are onesies that we'll be showing that have sensors in them and the sensors can check body temperature and if they're sleeping enough hours," said Robin Raskin, Live in Digital Times. "There are baby plates that will tell you if they've eaten correctly or they eat too fast. There's a bottle sensor that will tell you if they're gluging their milk too fast. There are belly sensors that provide you with the same sonogram that your doctor would but at home."