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Protesters rally against Fiore at Las Vegas City Council meeting

First meeting since Michele Fiore stepped down as mayor pro tem
and last updated

UPDATE 2 P.M.: The public comment portion has just come to a close, though the meeting is still underway. People discussed everything from removing Michele Fiore, supporting Michele Fiore, police reform, the so-called "backpack ban," Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, unemployment insurance and more. Watch below.

LIVE: Watch the meeting (continued) below

Part 1: Watch the for bulk of the meeting below

To download a meeting agenda, click here.

Peaceful protests took place outside the chambers much of the morning against Councilwoman Michele Fiore. The ACLU and NAACP both had a presence at the protest.

Fiore is sitting on the council just seats away from her likely mayor pro tem replacement, Councilman Stavros Anthony. Anthony he is also receiving push back for his support of the Blue Lives Matter campaign.

Reporters Sean DeLancey and Kelsey McFarland are at the meeting. Follow them on Twitter for real-time updates at @SeanKTNV and @KelseyMarie_TV.

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) -- Amid changes to leadership and a planned protest, Las Vegas City Council is meeting on Wednesday morning for its regularly scheduled weekly council meeting at town hall.

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) has organized a protest at the meeting to express disapproval of ordinance the council passed at the beginning of the month, which prohibits items like backpacks, large purses, strollers and more at public protests.

RELATED: City passes ordinance prohibiting backpacks at protests, county postpones vote

On the same day the city passed the ordinance, Clark County commissioners discussed a similar one and decided to table the vote for a later date.

"This is a direct attack on Nevadans who are using their voices and 1st amendment rights to advocate for their communities and call for the end of police terror," PLAN wrote on a Facebook page for the event.

RELATED: Las Vegas Councilwoman Fiore steps down as mayor pro tem

This will be the first city council meeting since Councilwoman Michele Fiore stepped down as mayor pro tempore, a role that fills in for the mayor when she is unavailable. Fiore will continue to represent Ward 6 as councilwoman.

Her departure comes after reports surfaced about her making “racially charged” comments. She stood by her comments but also apologized for offending anyone.