Local News


Two Henderson jewelry store owners have businesses ransacked in similar burglaries


HENDERSON (KTNV) — A second Henderson jewelry store owner says her business was burglarized this month.

This comes after KTNV spoke with the owner of My Jewelers, who shared video of thieves ransacking his store on Nov. 17.

Judy Jansen says her business was burglarized in the same manner a few weeks earlier, on Nov. 6.

Jansen owns J Jansen Designs, a jewelry manufacturing business on Sunset Way in Henderson, just a 10-minute drive from My Jewelers.

"I watched the news and noticed similarities, like the trash can, picking the lock, and the same clothes," Jansen told KTNV.

Early on Nov. 6, Jansen says someone broke into her business, brought in a trash can and ransacked the place. Nearly $20,000 of merchandise was stolen, she said.

Jansen noticed similarities between the break-in at her store and the burglary of My Jewelers and contacted KTNV.

Before the burglary, Jansen says she didn't have an alarm system. She used recording cameras instead, due to slow response times and costs. But now, she says she's forced to pay for extra protection.

Both store owners have filed reports with Henderson PD. A public information officer for the Henderson Police Department was unavailable to comment for this report.