UPDATE NOV. 2: The man who lost his wife and daughter to a gruesome crime in 2012 told the story in court Thursday of what happened that night.
Arturo Martinez-Sanchez remained composed on the witness stand as he related to the jury finding his wife, Yadi, and 10-year-old daughter, Karla, dead in their home.
"I kind of pinched myself," Martinez-Sanchez said. "Is this real or am I dreaming?"
Earlier in the day, the jury was shown graphic images of the victims' injuries.
The defense moved for a mistrial based on the goriness of the photos "prejudicing" the jury.
The judge denied the motion.
The trial is now underway for the man accused in the 2012 rape and murder of a Las Vegas woman.
Bryan Clay is also accused of killing the woman's daughter and beating her husband so brutally, he suffered serious brain damage.
Clay sat stoically as the attorneys presented their opening statements Tuesday.
Prosecutors will attempt to prove Clay killed Yadi and Karla Martinez, a mother and her 10-year-old daughter.
The prosecution said Clay used a hammer to attack the father of the family, Art Martinez-Sanchez.
"[Art] was so damaged by this that he was literally non-verbal and in the hospital for weeks," said Pam Weckerly, a prosecutor.
Weckerly outlined her case that will use witnesses and DNA evidence to prove Clay's guilt.
Clay's attorney, Tony Srgo, used his statement to chip away at the witnesses' credibility and undermine the reliability of scientific evidence.
"Keep an open mind until the case has been completely submitted to you," Srgo said to the jury. "Have to get both sides of the story."
Clay is facing death penalty if convicted.