LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The number of deaths on our valley's roadways is on the rise. In just over two weeks, metro police report there have been eight pedestrians killed.
Sadly, these statistics hit home for one local man who nearly lost his life.
I spoke with Hal Goldblatt after nearly losing his life after getting hit, he wants to make sure drivers look twice before they drive.
November 25, 2022 is an emotional night to remember for Goldblatt.

"I got about 9/10 of the way through the crosswalk and the car came out of the Walmart parking lot, was speeding, he hit me, I flew onto his hood, dented his hood shattered his windshield and I was projected 79 feet... "
He tells us he was 70 years old when the accident happened and he had never broken a bone. That night, however, he broke 13 bones.
Goldblatt was immediately rushed to the hospital where he spent the next month. But even after his release, he says he knew his life would never be the same.
"Instead of enjoying my golden years, my life has changed forever, I wake up every morning in pain."
Goldblatt showed me the exact spot on the crosswalk near the corner of Del Rey Avenue and Arville Street where he nearly lost his life.
"Everything is a struggle, my whole life, I wanted to travel I wanted to do things I can't do any of that, and all because a driver took his eyes off the road just a moment," he said.

LVMPD's most recent traffic report shows this week nearly every day someone died on our roads.
Since July 2, eight people have died on Las Vegas roads.
"I am very family oriented, and It breaks my heart for those families, I have 10 kids, I can't imagine losing one, those families have lost something they will ever get back, and its totally preventable," said Goldblatt.
He tells us this tragedy has actually become a victory, which is why he has marked the spot where he landed with a "V." When he sees it, it reminds him of the importance of pedestrian safety and where a miracle took place.
"I put the V there to remind me that thank god I'm alive."
I asked Goldblatt what message he has for drivers behind the wheel. "Pay attention, don't text, don't fiddle with the radio, pay attention to where you are going and again if you see someone standing in the crosswalk, please stop and don't go through," he responded.