Local News


Mountain's Edge woman stopping package theft

Experts say tis’ the season of package theft! They’re warning residents to do everything they can to be home when they know a package is being delivered to their front porch.
Action News has reported several surveillance videos that show thieves walking up to porches in broad daylight and taking packages.  
Now, a woman in Mountain's Edge is stepping up to make sure her neighbors' packages stay right where they belong.
"She was a little nervous, and she asked me if I could please go by and pick them up," Lizmary Perez told Action News.
She’s never met Kay Chapman face-to-face, but that didn’t stop Chapman from reaching out for help.
"I've seen her on the Facebook page enough that she's interested in the community and building the community," said Chapman.
She’s referring to the community of Mountain's Edge where neighbors report crime and suspicious behavior in a Facebook group called "StaySafe Mountains Edge/Southwest."
"I saw a post about a gentleman saying that his packages were stolen about 6 minutes after they were dropped, said Perez.
Fed up, she wanted to help. On Friday, she posted a status telling everyone in the group that if they have a package coming while they're at work, she’s happy to pick it up and hold it at her home until they got off.
"From the day that I posted it, I got a lot of feedback, people asking for my information," said Perez.
Chapman was one of them.
"I thought it was hugely generous," she said.
Earlier this week, a package was delivered to Chapman’s front door while she was at work.
Without ever meeting Perez face-to-face, Chapman took a chance, gave Perez her address, her phone number, and popped the question, and Perez said yes.
I've got a remote garage door opener, so she popped over here, said I’m here, I opened the garage, she put them in, I closed the garage,” recalled Chapman.
Perez says, “The holidays are about giving and caring for people so if anyone needs that favor, that helping hand, and they don't have anyone to reach out to, I'll be more than happy too."
Perez is only doing this for people in the "StaySafe Mountains Edge/Southwest” Facebook group, and her efforts will continue even after the holidays are over.