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Las Vegas mother says pot smell is making family sick

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While a lot of people smoke pot to relieve pain, a local mother says the smell is causing health problems for her family. And now that recreational marijuana is legal in Nevada, she says it happens every time her neighbors light up. 

Lucy Pearson says every time her neighbors smoke weed, it's almost as if she and her family are smoking right along with them. Except instead of getting high, they get sick. 

 "My oldest gets headaches," Pearson said. "My middle one gets headaches and stomach aches with it, and the youngest usually gets nauseous to her stomach."

She said the neighbors smoke in their backyard, sometimes twice a day and the unmistakable odor comes wafting through the air and travels into her home through her back door and garage. She admitted she's never confronted them about the problem.

"We've never really been close neighbors," she said. 

She contacted 13 Action News to find out if there's anything she can do about it. While Nevada law says you cannot smoke recreational pot in public, there's nothing that would prohibit someone from consuming marijuana on their property. That's even if it's in close proximity or in view of other people. While it may not be courteous, it's not illegal.

"I want to keep it peaceful obviously because they are my neighbors," said Pearson. "I want to be able to sit in my home, have my garage doors open and not worry about getting sick from the smell."