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CCSD security preview for return to school Tuesday

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"The message needs to get out our parents, to our students, we will not tolerate violence. And we will act swiftly. And remove students from our campuses. I couldn't be more clear. And that message will go out on Tuesday to our entire secondary schools."

Dr. Jesus Jara, CCSD Superintendent

An Eldorado High School teacher was sexually assaulted and beaten by a 16 year-old student who snuck back into the school after dismissal to talk about his grades. There are five campus monitors but 32 exterior doors that can’t always be monitored. Plus, according to an Eldorado staff source, there are only 50 security cameras, some not even working and multiple blind spots that students know about.

MORE: CCSD, union leaders discuss school safety measures in wake of Eldorado teacher attack

Clark county education association (or CCEA) president Marie Neisess spoke with the victim, who recommended changes in school procedures.

"She wanted to share with me, the lack of adults in the building. If there had been more adults on campus, it could’ve stopped that student from getting into the building. They were all focused on outside duty. We want to make sure students get home safe because that’s typically where fights occur. When you’re limited on staffing and you spread everybody thin, a student can come through a number of doors."

One of the first things being implemented will be a panic button, a device that will be given to all staff.

"From my understanding tomorrow morning the staff is going to have a staff meeting where they will get a training on it. It’s supposed to be a button that is on them. Whether it’s on their lanyard or something like that. That still remains to be seen. We did contact him (Dr. Jara) today and he assured us that it will be there tomorrow," Neisess said.

But the root of the problem Neisess says is nationally systemic: funding. For proper student and staff resources, like mental health professionals and competitive pay.

"It always comes down to what legislators are doing. Are they giving us the proper funding. And they haven’t for so many years and we’re just playing catch-up," says Neisess

I talked with an Eldorado campus monitor and former student earlier and they told me these issues have been going on for years and despite complaints nothing has been done. Things such as list of students allowed in the building after school and better cameras have been left unimplemented. Another big issue they say is lack of backbone from administrators for proper discipline.