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Early voting is underway in Clark County ahead of June primary elections

Election Guide - Right Rail Promo Image
Posted at 8:44 PM, May 25, 2024

LAS VEGAS(KTNV) — The first day of early voting has officially come to an end in Clark County.

Some polling sites Channel 13 visited had a "steady stream" of people; however, other locations were empty.

"It was easy," said Carol Anderson.

Anderson said she went to cast her ballot early, which she said she does every election cycle.

"It's an easy process so I didn't have to go too far and I wanted it done," Anderson said.

She also makes sure her family fills out their ballots and drops them off at a drop-off location.

"My oldest is 43 and my youngest is 41. We all have our ballots done. All done, and my husband of course," she said.

​​Anderson believes if you want to make your voice heard and create change, it's important to go out and vote.

​​"If people look at the history of voting and know how hard it was to even try to vote, and this is a right, you know, it's a right and a privilege-- take your butt to the polls. This is the only way your voice is going out there," said Anderson.

Early voting runs until June 7, and a list of early voting centers can be found in your sample ballot or on the Clark County elections department website. If you're not registered to vote at your current address, or you want to check your registration, you can do so atregistertovote.nv.gov.