LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Coronavirus cases continue to rise in Nevada, and the Fourth of July celebrations in 2020 will probably be a bit different amid the pandemic. Still, there are a few ways to celebrate safely.
Doctors within Southern Nevada say there are options for you to spend time with friends and family while still adhering to the proper health and safety guidelines.
Nevada governor reminds locals, visitors of safety measures during Fourth of July holiday
Sanitizing the home is as essential as getting your barbecue ready for the holiday weekend.
If you're already buying food and getting the grill ready, you may want to make sure that you have cleaning products at home too.
"Hand sanitizer is important - especially if you're bringing in guests to your home. Sharing bathrooms, again, make sure that you have a wipe so that guests can wipe it down after using," Dr. Jeffrey Ng said.
Also, doing temperature checks is an option, along with having ten or fewer people at your home for the celebration, even if you have an outdoor patio.
But if you're celebrating outside your home, there are other things you should consider. The most important items are to avoid crowds, wear a mask, and keep your social distance.
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"Probably the safest way to view fireworks would be to stay in the car. You can even park your car on the side and watch the fireworks and then go home. But if you decide to walk on the Strip or walk outside, stay six feet apart and wear a mask," Dr. Ng said.
As a doctor and a father, Dr. Ng said he understands that the holidays are a time to spend together with others, but it is important to not let your guard down.
Finally, if you believe after the celebrations you attended, you may have symptoms related to COVID-19; it is vital to get a test and contact the people you may have been in contact with at the event.