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CALL TO ACTION: Driver faces mechanic problems

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No one likes dealing with car trouble. That trip to the auto shop can add up fast. It happened to one local driver, who says, she didn't get what she paid for. So she reached out to Contact 13, and our Call For Action volunteers delivered results.
"The guy was yelling to the top of his lungs," says Cheryl Cooper.
She's talking about her awful experience with a valley auto mechanic. It was back in November when her Honda CR-V wouldn't start. So she called a tow truck.
"I said do you know of any place where I can take the car to get it fixed? And they suggested the place that I went to," says Cheryl.
Cheryl says the shop took a look under the hood, and told her it was a bad starter. She paid almost $700 to get it replaced. But a couple of weeks later, she says her car wouldn't start again. So Cheryl took it to a different mechanic for a second opinion.
"They gave me the starter that was originally put in the car by the other mechanic, and it was an aftermarket starter," says Cheryl.
After getting the car fixed for a second time, Cheryl took the bad part back to the first shop, and spoke with the manager about a refund.
"Well I just had to pay again to have my car fixed. I've already paid you," says Cheryl.
But Cheryl says the manager lost his temper, refusing to offer any reimbursement.
"According to our conditions you have to bring the car to us and we have to fix it, and so-on and so-forth. And I said really? I don't recall anything like that being put on paper," says Cheryl.
A few months went by with no progress. That's when Cheryl picked up the phone, and reached out to Contact 13. Our Call For Action volunteers made a call, and Cheryl was surprised with the fast results.
"The very next day the owner... called me and said Cheryl, come pick up your check," says Cheryl.
Her refund, $385. The cost of the part, not including the cost of labor. Cheryl's thrilled, and has a message for others looking for help.
"My suggestion to anyone else, try Channel 13," says Cheryl.
So here's the Contact 13 bottom line: Do your research before taking your vehicle to just any nearby mechanic. And be sure to ask about a possible limited-warranty. The parts and labor may be covered for so many miles, or days. 
And if you have a problem with any auto shop, be sure to file a complaint. Call the DMV's Compliance Enforcement Division at 702-486-8626. For Contact 13, I'm Tricia Kean.