LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — City of Las Vegas officials are outlining progress on 2024 projects, including construction on Civic Plaza, work on the Charleston Underpass at Union Pacific Railroad, and citywide streetlight upgrades.
On Wednesday, Joey Paskey, the Public Works Director, updated Las Vegas City Council members on ongoing work across the valley. Here's a closer look at where those projects stand.
Civic Plaza
Civic Plaza is across the street from Las Vegas City Hall and will consist of two buildings and a plaza that can host events. It's over 350,000 square feet of floor area with additional areas for a rooftop patio, retail space, and restaurants. This is a $165 million capital project, according to Paskey. She said they expect to finish construction on the large building, which is pictured on the right hand side of the photo below, by Dec. 1, 2024 and the four-story building, pictured on the left, is expected to be completed by April 2025.

Union Pacific Railroad and Charleston Underpass
City officials are working on the design and environmental study to replace the existing structure, which is located at Charleston Boulevard.

Paskey said the existing structure won't last much longer and that by replacing the current structure, it will increase the height clearance to allow freight to travel easier through downtown Las Vegas.
The project is expected to cost $6.1 million and will be paid for through various federal, state, and local funds. According to Paskey, the city has already received $2 million for the project through a congressional community project fund award, which is being used for right-of-way. She said they're working with UPRR and expect to finish the final design process by the fourth quarter of 2026.
Citywide Streetlight Upgrades
According to Paskey, the City of Las Vegas manages about 60,000 roadway lighting fixtures and in 2011, city officials worked on converting them to LED. However, she said the first-generation fixtures are "getting near the end of their useful lives" and need to be replaced. So far, city officials have upgraded over 7,000 fixtures and are working on converting another 47,000 fixtures.
"We [also] have an ongoing pilot with IT for a smart streetlight program," Paskey said. "By installing the senors, we already have 500 installed downtown, we can remotely tell if they're on or off, which will help with troubleshooting and maintenance activities."
Cragin Park Upgrades
Cragin Park is also getting an upgrade. City officials said they're planning on installing two new synthetic soccer fields, baseball facilities, seating, an irrigation system, lighting, and expanding the parking lot. Paskey said the design process is about 99% complete and they plan on opening bidding this quarter. The $8.5 million project is expected to break ground in June with construction lasting about a year.

Rancho and Oakey Dog Park
City officials are set to build a dog park at Rancho Drive and Oakey Boulevard.
"This will include a two-cell dog park with shade structures, landscaping, a small parking lot, art, dog agility," Paskey said. "It's going to be a really nice park."
Paskey said costs for design, land acquisition, and construction is around $2.8 million and Public Works will request additional funding in 2025 to help with construction costs. Construction is expected to start in August and last about a year.

Fire Station 103
City officials have also been working with Las Vegas Fire & Rescue on plans for a new fire station, which would be located along Alta Drive, just east of the Red Rock Baptist Church. The proposed four-bay facility would replace the Upland facility.
According to Paskey, the estimated design fee is $1.5 million and they will request construction funding in Fiscal Year 2026. It will take a year for design and a year for construction.

Charleston Heights Art Center upgrades
The city's facilities team is remodeling the 45-year-old theater, along with other improvements. The city is negotiating the design contract. The construction will cost about $9 million and Paskey said they will request funding for the project in Fiscal Year 2025.
Regional Aquatic Complex
Paskey said city officials are also working on designing and building a regional outdoor Olympic-sized swimming pool north of the existing pool at Pavilion Center.

"This is really going to allow us to offer all the way up to international swim meets and other aquatic programming to serve the growing number of competitive and recreational swimmers that we have in the valley," Paskey said.
Design and construction costs are estimated to cost $13.3 million. Paskey said they've received $8.8 million so far in funding from the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, SNPLMA.
"That allows the Bureau of Land Management to sell public land within a certain boundary of Las Vegas and then 85% of those funds generated from the sale have to be spent on the development of parks, trails, natural areas, and others," Paskey said. "This is a really important funding source for us and we've been aggressively pursuing it so we can do these projects."
Paskey said they're expecting construction to start on the project in June.
Darling Tennis Center Court Expansion
City officials are planning to add up to 14 additional tennis courts at Washington Avenue and Durango Drive to "meet the needs of the local tennis community's demand to host more leagues, open play, and national tournaments".
A feasibility study was completed in June 2022 and Paskey said they used that information to apply for SNPLMA funding. Paskey said they've requested $9.6 million in funding for the project.

CC-215 Pedestrian Bridges at Summerlin Parkway
According to Paskey, there will be two pedestrian bridges, which were designed with help from The Howard Hughes Corporation "for the aesthetics and bridge design elements".
Design costs were $1.3 million and is about 70% complete. Construction is estimated to cost about $7.4 million, which Paskey said is already budgeted for due to federal funding. She said they anticipate construction starting in the fourth quarter of 2025.

East Las Vegas Dog Park
According to Paskey, the city is looking to add a three-cell dog park to an existing park, which is located at Washington Avenue and Lamb Boulevard.
"Improvements include fencing, adding three dividers, turf, irrigation, shade shelters, and doggy drinking fountains," Paskey said.
The project is estimated to cost $1.7 million and the design process is 30% complete. Paskey said the city is hoping to start construction by the end of 2024 and it should last about a year.

Arts District Parking Garage
Plans are continuing to move forward for a parking garage in the Arts District. It will be five and half stories tall and have over 500 parking spaces. It would be located at Utah Avenue and Casino Center Boulevard. The first floor will also accommodate about 12,000 feet of retail space, according to Paskey. It's estimated to cost about $19 million, with construction scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2025. Paskey said construction will last about a year.
Chuck Minker Sports Complex
City officials are looking at the "feasibility" of demolishing the existing Chuck Minker Sports Complex, at Stewart Avenue and Mojave Road.
"This would be replaced by a new 57,000-square-foot sports facility. It would have basketball courts, dance studios, community rooms, and some other amenities as well," Paskey said. "We did a conditions assessment and alternative analysis in 2022 and used that information to request SNPLMA funding. We requested $47.2 million but that was just in November so we're not sure about that but our fingers are crossed."
Police Memorial Park Renovation
Paskey said they're looking at making site improvements, which includes expanding north and south parking lots, installing new lighting, new pickleball courts, shade structures, a K9 memorial, and resurfacing the existing basketball and pickleball courts.
The project is estimated to cost $3.7 million, design is 99% complete, and plans are being permitted. Paskey said they expect construction to start in June and last about 10 months.

Westside Education & Training Center
The design and construction is going to include a health care laboratory, conference rooms, computer laboratories, offices, and vocational classrooms for manufacturing and construction in partnership with the College of Southern Nevada, Paskey said.
She added that it will cost about $13.2 million. Paskey said $6.9 million is coming from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Public Works Department will also request additional funding during Fiscal Year 2025. She added that design is 99% complete with bidding expected to open this quarter and construction to begin in the second quarter. Construction will take about a year.

Lorenzi Park Tennis Court Expansion
At Lorenzi Park, city officials are looking to build a new permanent tennis clubhouse, three new courts, and resurface the existing 10 courts. Paskey said the design and construction process are estimated to cost about $3.5 million and they did receive $3.24 million in SNPMLA funding and they're waiting to finish the funding agreement with federal authorities before they can lay out a timeline for that project.

Centennial Hills Community Center Pools & Building Upgrades
According to Paskey, city officials are looking to remodel the interior and exterior pools, installation of new pool equipment, and also new central planned equipment.
"We're currently working on the design for this project and we have about a $10 million construction estimate on it. $6 million is funded now and $4 million will be requested with FY '25 cycle," Paskey said.
Skye Canyon/Providence Area LVMPD Community Substation & Park
City officials are looking to build a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Community Substation & Park on the southwest corner of Grand Teton and Hualapai.
Paskey said the estimated construction costs are $10 million. She added the city has put out a request for interested teams and they hope to award a contract later this fall. City officials are looking to go through the design process and start construction in the third quarter of 2025.

Northwest Regional Park
Public Works is also looking to start Phase 1A at Northwest Regional Park, which is located at Log Cabin Way and El Capitan Way.
"Improvements for this phase include a historic interpretive design of the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railway with walking pathways, dog parks, an amphitheater, North Paiute Indian learning center, and some additional amenities," Paskey said.
The project is estimated to cost $24 million and the city also requested SNPMLA funding to help with the project. She said the design process will start when they complete the funding and lease agreements with federal officials.

Grand Teton Overpass at U.S. 95
Construction is scheduled to start at the end of this month with construction scheduled to be completed in quarter three of 2025. That also includes roadway improvements between El Capitan Way and Tee Pee Lane.

The construction bid was $41 and Pasksey said it's being covered by a variety of federal, state, and local funding.