

13 First Alert Weather Forecast | Thursday morning, Nov. 18, 2021


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Not much is happening over these next few days. It’ll stay quiet with a few high clouds on Thursday and Friday. Temperatures will hover around average for Thursday and slightly above on Friday. Highs will reach the upper 60s to low 70s around the city, the low to mid 50s up in the Spring Mountains and flirt with 80 around the Colorado River. Winds will pick up slightly for our higher elevations over these next few days with gust as high as 25 mph. A light breeze will pass through the valley this weekend as a weak cold front swings through. This will bring temperatures down slightly but no big changes. Winds can gusts as high as 35 mph around the Colorado River. More clouds look to build off of this cold front with a few mid-level clouds on Saturday and Sunday.

Models are showing an upper level low developing over the coast early next week. It’ll make it’s way inland and coupled with a shortwave of energy brings the potential for light precipitation across Southern Nevada. Most of this action is trending to stick to the southeast with more showers possible through eastern Arizona. We’ll continue to monitor this system as winds will pick up Tuesday and Wednesday and that is when we’ll have our highest chances of rain.