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June through September marks '100 deadliest days' on roadways

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — The Nevada Highway Patrol and the state's traffic safety officials are urging drivers to be extra aware on Las Vegas valley roadways this summer, as this time of year marks the "100 deadliest days."

The days between Memorial Day and Labor Day usually see an increase in travel, more tourism, and more fatal crashes than any other time of year.

Nevada's office of traffic safety has launched Phase 3 of its "Save Yourself" campaign to make sure drivers are as defensive as possible on Nevada highways.

Phase 3 focuses on alcohol and marijuana-impaired driving behaviors with the following:

  • Following a year with a strong emphasis on how personal decisions can affect the community as a whole, the third phase of “Save Yourself” encourages vulnerable road users to Always Drive Sober, ultimately creating a domino effect in eliminating roadway fatalities altogether.
  • Driving under the influence is the leading cause of roadway fatalities with 50 percent of Nevada’s crashes being attributed to impaired driving.
  • Although the illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration limit is 0.08% and above, having a BAC as low as .02% can affect an individual’s driving ability. Combined with the scorching summer temperatures, an individual’s BAC can rise more rapidly, especially when they are dehydrated and in the sun.
  • It is important for the public to understand that impairment is a multi-faceted problem that goes beyond alcohol. Any substance that hinders your judgment or ability to drive should not be consumed before getting behind the wheel.
  • 44 motorists lost their lives in alcohol-related fatalities in 2019 — 13 percent more than the previous year. To prevent such an unnecessary loss of life, we are imploring drivers to Always Drive Sober, so they can save themselves and live another day.
  • In addition to the cost of lives, impaired driving can cost upwards of $10,000. Zero Fatalities would like to remind drivers to designate sober drivers and utilize rideshare services, instead of risking their lives and the lives of others. For less than $100, you can save yourself, your wallet, and the lives of fellow Nevadans.
  • Through August 2021, the multi-faceted campaign will employ Always Drive Sober messaging tactics statewide, focusing on educating vulnerable road users and emphasizing the personal responsibility of traffic safety, ultimately asking drivers to save themselves.