

Construction on Shadow Lane to begin April 19

and last updated

The city of Las Vegas will begin work on street, sidewalk, traffic signal, street lighting, storm drain, water main, electrical utility and landscaping improvements along Shadow Lane from Charleston Boulevard to Alta Drive on April 19.

The $9.2 million project will enhance traffic and pedestrian flow throughout the corridor and take approximately 15 months to complete. Motorists can expect lane restrictions and delays in the area until July 2022.

The project primarily will restrict traffic along Shadow Lane from Charleston Boulevard to Alta Drive to one lane in each direction. Safety and maintaining public access at all times to the properties will be high priorities during the work.

Work hours will be 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday.

The Shadow Lane Improvement Project is part of the city’s ongoing traffic and safety improvement plan. Las Vegas Paving is the contractor.

The project is funded by the Regional Transportation Commission Fuel Revenue Indexing tax and city of Las Vegas funds.

Those with questions or concerns during the work should call 702-466-9234.