

Clark Country breaks ground on $20 million Desert Inn Project

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Clark County broke ground April 5 in an effort to connect two parts of Desert Inn that were separated by the Las Vegas Wash.

District E's County Commissioner, Tick Segerblom, says the split has made it tough for those who reside on the east side, "If you live in East Las Vegas you realize, that the hardest part of living there, is getting back and forth to the main part of downtown, or town and back."

"The Wash" as locals call it, sits magically between Hollywood Boulevard and Theme Road. Building a roadway that connects the two halves of the DI is a project that has been a topic for discussion for years.

Las Vegas residents, Dawn and Duane Blanchard, who live nearby the new construction site, say the project has been a long time coming.

"I didn't think it was gonna happen. We walk our dog down there every day, we've seen a little bit more progress, we've seen the city guys out there, so that's how we knew something was gonna happen," said Duane Blanchard.

His wife echoing his sentiment saying, "Yea, I've been hearing about it and I just didn't think it was going to happen anytime soon, but, I think it's gonna be great."

District E, Country Commisioner Segerblom, is even excited about the Desert Inn Project, saying,"We're finally going to get it done, it's a $20 million dollar project because we have a wash to go over with a bridge, but it's a long time coming".

Although the Desert Inn project comes with a seemingly hefty price, Clark County says taxpayer dollars are being used and will ensure the project is completed.

Residents in the area say it's a fair price to pay for convenience, "Because if anything happens and they shut down Desert Inn, we can't get through, so we have to go all the way around, it will alleviate that," said Dawn.

Comissioner Segerbloom says it will invite more people to explore what the east side of Las Vegas has to offer, "Now we'll be able to have people come over here, use the Wetands Park, its all a part of making east Las Vegas accesible," said Comissioner Segerbloom.

One major concern for nearby residents, like the Blanchards, is speeding.

"Down there (Desert Inn) people tend to speed and that's caused quite a few accidents and fatalities," said Blanchard.

Commissioner Tick Segerblon says they've got plans in place to make sure that doesn't happen."

"We're going to keep this a two-lane road even though it's very wide, we're going to have bicycle lanes on each side, we're going to have a median and we're going to really strictly enforce the speed limit, because, this is obviously going to be a straight shot, and we don't want people coming out here racing," said Segerblom.

The Desert Inn Project is expected to be fully completed by spring of 2022.