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School art programs shine on Happy Times calendar

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For 31 years, Silver State Schools Credit Union has been publishing a calendar of student artwork.

The Happy Times Calendar showcases artwork, created by students in Southern Nevada, which is featured in the contest open to both public and private school students.  

With average submission numbers around 3,000, it is a tough task to select the winning pieces from the entries.

Each winning student receives $100 from Silver State Schools Credit Union, and the student’s school also receives $100 in support of its art program.

Students also receive calendars for their family and friends.



The Happy Times Calendar provides the opportunity to expose more students to art and art literacy. The winning artwork is featured on the Silver State Schools Credit Union Facebook page, with each monthly winner’s artwork displayed during the corresponding month online.  

The current year winning pieces are framed and displayed at the main office of Silver State Schools Credit Union at the McLeod branch. Framed artwork from prior years is distributed and displayed throughout the area at other branches.                                                                

Members of Silver State Schools Credit Union look forward to the annual calendar and to viewing the work created by the talented students in the area. In an age of digital calendars and planners, the Happy Times calendar is a way to keep art alive and bring joy to students and SSSCU members.

The latest edition is currently available at Silver State Schools Credit Union branches, and is free to members.  SSSCU is now accepting Happy Times Calendar artwork submissions for the 2017 Calendar until Oct. 8, 2016.  Winners will be notified by Tuesday, Nov. 1. 

Visit www.silverstatecu.com for more information.