As much we moms love decking the halls and making the holidays special for the family, let’s be honest: Christmas is not only exhausting for us but can also be a bit of a letdown when others in the family aren’t quite as invested in the process.
On Christmas morning, we get that surge of excitement seeing the smiling faces of our family as they open presents. The next thing we know, there’s paper strewn around the house and calls of “I’m hungry!” We start Christmas breakfast, which might lead right into making Christmas dinner.
It can be underwhelming for many of us. Oh, and did we mention: Mom often has the smallest stack of gifts under the tree.

But all of mom’s effort hasn’t gone unnoticed by the writers at “Saturday Night Live.”
As part of their annual holiday special, the “SNL” crew did a musical sketch that was funny because it is just so true. The rap-style scene features a happy family getting everything they wanted on Christmas morning. Well, except for mom, played masterfully by Kristen Wiig.
As dad and the kids show off all of the amazing presents they got, mom gets a robe and … that’s it.
“I got a robe,” Wiig’s mom character repeats each time a verse comes to her.
Then, as she’s busy making breakfast and listening to the family continue to rattle off their gifts, she notices the dog not only gets a robe of his own but also a whole pile of presents.
By the end, dad wants a holiday photo with the family. Mom clearly is done with it all, but dad snaps the horrible picture anyway. Finally, mom is left alone on the couch with a glass of wine while everyone plays with their new gifts.
You can watch it here:
Who can relate to this scene?
Apparently many people, because “I got a robe” quickly took over social media as women everywhere joined the chorus.
Twitter user @lissaysstuff said “SNL” nailed the holiday letdown on the head.
This is the most accurate depiction of a mom on Christmas morning ever! #SNL
— Lis (@lissaysstuff) December 20, 2020
Kim Hornsby told Twitter that the robe Wiig wore looked awfully familiar.
I laughed so hard I cried watching this
(I got that exact robe last year for Christmas)#Igottarobe #momlife #parenting
— Kim Hornsby (@kimhornsby) December 21, 2020
Some people were worried about their gift choice for mom after seeing the skit, like @RebeccaRach on Twitter.
Feeling really bad about the robe I got my mom for Christmas #snl #christmasmorning
— Rebecca (@RebeccaaRach) December 20, 2020
Hopefully, she got something else to go with it.
One guy, who goes by @WVinSD on Twitter, quickly came to the defense of robe gift-givers because moms can be a challenge to buy for each Christmas.
That short about moms on Christmas morning was good. If other moms are anything like my mom, they make it hard for you to know what to get for then because they hardly give you anything to go off of #SNL
— AR (@WVinSD) December 20, 2020
Hmm. Not so sure about that, sir.
But @TheSassyBee speaks for all moms: one gift doesn’t cut it!
@nbcsnl There has never been a more accurate skit on #snl than “mom got a robe for Christmas.” GET YOUR MOM MORE THAN ONE GIFT!!!
— BettieGrimes (@TheSassyBee) December 20, 2020
Sure, it’s the thought that counts. But it might be nice to get maybe one or two other things to show your mom that she’s appreciated.
But, at least we can laugh about it, right, moms?
This story originally appeared on Simplemost. Checkout Simplemost for additional stories.