LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A grant from the MGM Foundation earlier this year to The Salvation Army Southern Nevada has provided funding for housing as well as an additional case manager for the organization’s SEEDS (Saving, Empowering, Educating and restoring DreamS) of Hope program serving victims of human trafficking.
As stipulated by that grant funding, two “safe houses” have been renovated and furnished with the help of Walker Furniture, and readied for occupancy beginning August 7.
The location of these homes will not be shared in order to protect the security and anonymity of the program participants. Under the new leadership of Erin Kauffman, SEEDS of Hope is flourishing, currently serving some 25 victims of trafficking with ongoing case management and support.
These new homes should serve 10 – 15 clients over the coming 12-month period.
The Salvation Army Southern Nevada SEEDS of Hope program provides victim-centered, trauma-informed, comprehensive advocacy to victims of all forms of human trafficking. They offer crisis intervention, case management and coordinating supportive servces to move clients from victim to survivor.
Services include emotional support, safety planning, social service advocacy, criminal/civil justice advocacy, housing, food, utilities, clothing, identification, transportation, baby care items, education assistance, work assistance, information and referrals.
To learn more about programs and services or to support their efforts with a donation, please visit their website.
To learn more about its anti-human trafficking work, visit here.