Positively Las Vegas


Rail Explorers inviting all ages for Halloween costume rides

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Get festive this Halloween season by costuming up with family and close friends for a ride with Rail Explorers, the year-round, all-ages, outdoor-adventure attraction featuring pedal-powered rail bikes.

Guests are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and enjoy epic photo ops on Rail Explorers’ Sunset Tours and Evening Lantern Tours from Oct. 26 to Nov. 1.


All rides start at the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Boulder City, Nevada and continue downhill to Railroad Pass. Each tour also includes a nostalgic ride back to the top of the hill in one of the museum’s historic trains, along with free museum entry.

A tandem rail bike for two starts at $85. A quad rail bike for four guests starts at $150.

Groups of ten or more people receive a 10 percent discount for weekday tours. All Nevada residents receive a 10 percent “locals” discount off the standard tour price.

Rail Explorers Las Vegas tours include three memorable options, including the Southwest Ramble, a four-mile downhill pedal-powered daytime ride; the Sunset Tour, a picturesque downhill ride in the evening as the sun sets behind the River Mountains; and the Evening Lantern Tour, a one-of-a-kind experience illuminated by the glow from the moon and stars.

Tours can be booked online, or by phone at (877) 833-8588.