Positively Las Vegas


Pieology Pizzeria rewards nurses and teachers

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Pizza innovator Pieology Pizzeria is asking for the names and stories of everyday heroes to say thanks by rewarding Pieology Care Packs and $250 cash prizes.

The week of May 4 is National Teachers & Nurses Week, and the pizzeria is looking to reward community heroes that deserve a surprise pick-me-up pizza care pack and cash prize.

The restaurant will pick 15 everyday heroes who will each win a 4-6 person Pieology Care Pack, plus $250. The contest prizes are sponsored by Hidden Valley Ranch, who also wants to recognize and thank people who put the well-being of others first.

To nominate your everyday hero: submit a story about them on social media, tagging @pieology and #everydayhero during May 4-16, 2020.

People can also directly send pizza to their friends and family by visiting shop.pieology.com.

Pieology has a special 1-2 person Pieology Care Pack that includes two (2) 3-topping pizzas made with their famous PieRise© Thick crusts, for only $14.99.

For more information on the Everyday Heroes Contest, visit their website.