As Southern Nevada approaches the dog days of summer and the excessive heat that comes with them, City of Henderson’s Animal Care & Control staff is encouraging pet owners to keep a close eye on their furry friends to keep them safe this summer.
They recommend the following tips:
- Keep your pet hydrated by providing plenty of water. Keep pets out of the sun and preferably indoors. Be careful not to over-exert them.
- Symptoms of pet overheating include excessive panting/difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, weakness, stupor, collapse, seizures, bloody diarrhea, vomit, and body temperatures of 104+ degrees (dogs and cats).
- Animals with flat faces (e.g. pugs, bulldogs and Persian cats) are more susceptible to heat stroke because they cannot pant as effectively. These types of pets, along with elderly, overweight and/or sick pets, should be kept in air-conditioned settings as much as possible.
- Never keep pets in a parked vehicle. Not only can this quickly lead to fatal heat stroke, it is illegal.
- Give your pet a haircut to help prevent overheating. Hair should be shaved to one-inch length, but never down to the skin, as fur offers sun protection. Brushing your cat frequently can help prevent problems caused by excessive heat.
- When the National Weather Service has a heat advisory in effect, pet parents must provide additional cooling for their outside pets such as a kiddie pool or misters.
If anyone sees a pet in distress in Henderson, call 702-267-5000. The service is available 24/7 and an Animal Control officer will be dispatched to the scene.
The City of Henderson Animal Care and Control Facility is open for adoptions Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (with adoptions closing at 4:30 p.m.) and is located at 300 E. Galleria Dr. (east of Boulder Highway, near the Bird Viewing Preserve).
The shelter is closed on all government-observed holidays.