Positively Las Vegas


Opportunity Village to offer HallOVeen-themed weddings for one night

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For some it’s all about tradition – a bouquet of red roses, a white princess gown with flowing veil and a black tuxedo complete with bowtie and cummerbund. But other people want something a little different and that's where Opportunity Village is coming in.

For one night only (Oct. 31), Halloween lovers, horror-movie aficionados, and people just looking for something fun and a little different, are invited to take the plunge at Opportunity Village’s Magical Forest located at 6300 W. Oakey Blvd.

Say your vows, or renew them, in a spooktacularly romantic setting.

The wedding package includes admission to HallOVeen for the bride and groom plus eight guests, the officiant, Halloween-themed décor, cupcakes for the couple and a souvenir photo. Plus, either before or after the wedding, you can partake in all the fun offered at HallOVeen! The vow renewal package includes an intimate ceremony for two, an officiant and Halloween-themed décor.

Optional add-ons include reception space and catering, additional guests, photography packages with our preferred partner and more. Pricing starts at $50 for vow renewals and $300 for weddings. Space is extremely limited so book today by contacting Victoria Jones at (702) 880-4046 or jonesv@opportunityvillage.org. Learn more at www.HallOVeen.com [halloveen.com].