Olive Crest in Nevada, a nonprofit organization that transforms the lives of abused and at-risk children through the healing power of family, is hosting their Back-to-School Back Pack and School Supply Drive, July 2 to Aug. 3, to collect new school supplies and essentials to help struggling families in the Las Vegas community.
Much needed items include paper, pencils, art supplies, tissues, crayons and pens. The supplies and backpacks will be distributed to over 100 Olive Crest’s clients, from pre-school age through high school.
School supplies and backpacks can be delivered to Olive Crest in Nevada, 4285 N. Rancho Drive or Mountaintop Faith Ministries, 2845 S. Lindell Road. To donate a pre-assembled back pack or to make a financial donation online, please visit www.olivecrest.org/donate.