Positively Las Vegas


NFL prospects invest in Las Vegas youth days before NFL Draft


LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — You can feel the excitement and buzz all over the city for the draft on Thursday. But before the big day, a couple of the top draft prospects dedicated some time to local youth.

"It's hard to come by things like this," said Dwayne Barber.

Sixty local middle school youth received a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"It was cool to get the chance to talk to some of the prospects," said Jhabari Christma.

Before the draft officially kicks off, some of the 2022 Draft prospects spent time giving back to some local kids by taking part in a youth football clinic.

"It was really fun. This whole combine, draft process," said Ikem Ekwonu. "I haven't too much time to give back, so kinda getting back to those roots a little bit and teach people the game of football has been really fun for me."

"It's very cool, very cool. I'm very inspired by that. Just helping kids out and just to be kind of a role model for them," said Aidan Hutchinson.

From catching touchdown passes to one-on-one drills, it was a dream come true for some special fans.

"It's cool knowing that they were going to get drafted tomorrow," said Juan Castillo. "They were teaching us footwork, throwing, tackling, it was really cool."