Positively Las Vegas


Nevada Humanities announces virtual salon series

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Nevada Humanities is presenting its next installment of its bimonthly Salon series virtually.

Indigenous Narratives in the Modern Context will feature a virtual discussion about journalism, jurisdictional issues, and Indigenous narratives.

Moderated by Stacey Montooth, Executive Director of the State of Nevada Indian Commission, a diverse panel of experts, including Autumn Harry, Tsanavi Spoonhunter, and Jarrette Werk, will discuss how Indigenous histories are often ignored within the United States, which has led to the erasure of place-based narratives. A panel of Native scholars and journalists will discuss how colonial mapping practices have created complex jurisdictional issues, inspiring a new generation of journalists and storytellers.


This event will be held on May 15, 2020, beginning at 6 p.m. online.

Guest panelists will be online answering questions during this virtual event. A recording of the virtual Salon will be available at nevadahumanities.org.