The Springs Preserve is hosting its annual Mojave Max Emergence Contest, and one student could win a laptop, a digital camera, and a year-long pass to National Parks and Federal Recreation areas.
Mojave Max is an actual tortoise that lives at the Springs Preserve, and he'll soon go into his burrow to begin brumation, which is how he hibernates. The student who correctly guesses as closely as possible the correct day, hour, and minute max emerges from his burrow will win the contest.
Clark County students in grades K-6 who are enrolled in public, private, and registered home school are eligible to win.
Aside from the laptop, camera, and National Parks pass, the grand prize also includes t-shirts for the entire class, Mojave Max Olympic-style medals, a pizza party, and a field trip to the Springs Preserve. The winner's teacher will also get a laptop.
You can learn more about the Mojave Max Emergence Contest here.